Program Adiwira Topi Keledar

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MyPerintis kick-started the Program Adiwira Topi Keledar with its official sponsor, Kurnia Insurans, to better equip child pillion riders against the dangers of road-related accidents in March 2019. During the first half of the year, Program Adiwira Topi Keledar kicked off its pilot campaign with over 1,600 customised children’s helmets made and distributed throughout 30 selected schools in the Klang Valley, Johor Bharu, and Kota Bharu.

Following the success of the pilot programme as well as the incredible support from the Ministry of Education, teachers and parents, we are inspired to do more by supplying over 50,000 customisable helmets to 200 B40 schools across Malaysia. To do so, we need your help. Fellow Malaysians are now implored to get on board and be part of this programme, for our children.

When you make your contribution to Program Adiwira Topi Keledar, you’re giving a child the most important gift of all – safety and assurance of a life ahead. With each and every one of them equipped with a helmet, their future can be better secured.

Together, we can help make Malaysian roads safer for all Malaysian at all ages.

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